Has corrected a mistake with giving of values always only to last element of arrays, irrespective of specified now numbers beginning with 0x, are considered as 'hex' Has corrected a mistake with not by understanding of numbers in 'hex'. The status of internal switches of the client is readable from the top window of the UO and is updated at opening the appropriate menu Has corrected a small mistake in the conditional operators who have been brought in last version Has added a prefix "Full" to commands of management of the ship It is a lot of fine improvements and corrections Has corrected a mistake, because of which were replaced not all variable in a line Has added some checks in preservation of a copy of the screen. Has added an opportunity of entering in variable colors of a point, on the given coordinates on the screen, with the help of a keyword Color in the command 'Get'.Īt preservation of a copy of the screen of the top window of the UO, and absence those, the copy of the screen of the top window will be kept Has added an opportunity to load arrays from a file. Has removed transformation 'hex' numbers in the form $0xx in calculation of expressions Last open file always will be uppermost in the list of last open files The scripts are kept only with that extension, which is chosen in a mask in dialogue of preservationĪt the included tick of an alarm clock "script", the pilot will not issue any more sound signal, at approach of event
#Uopilot and you update
Has corrected width of the table variable in XPīy pressing Ctrl+A (choice of a window) we update the status of internal switches of the clientĬorrectly we determine a delay between lines specified in a name of a file of the script The pilot again reacts to files, flying by above it
#Uopilot and you full
The opportunity of start of the client without an auto login is addedĪgain we determine correctness of reading of last message more full The casual delay on the tab 'general' is calculated with any separator The commands of management of work of other scripts and procedures are slightly corrected Has corrected to a fine mistake in calculation of expressions The repeated informing on a mistake of reading of parameters of the character is corrected The line made in inverted commas, is considered as one word and is not processed for replacement variable The updating variable timer in the table of display variable is reduced up to 8 times per one second The mode of step-by-step performance is exposed for each script individuallyĪre corrected mistakes with display variable 'timer' in the table of display variable Has corrected mistakes with impossibility of editing of the script after step-by-step performance and other similar operations The calculation of a delay in the scripts is slightly optimized Has corrected inadequate reaction to giving of variable lines containing the letter 'h' 'msg' should jump out atop of the attached window. 'waitfortarget' understands the reduced indication of time (10s, 5m, 1h) Henceforth panel of display of parameters of the character is not turned off any more in a certain small rectangular, and is closed by pressing the appropriate cross
#Uopilot and you windows
Has removed a superfluous icon of the pilot from the list of windows deduced by alt+tab Has added the link to a new forum in section 'about' Has corrected a mistake of allocation of huge amount of memory, at start of the large scripts The opportunity of change 'Delay after entering items count' in the command 'drag' and function 'automove' is added